More than skin deep

Sometimes in life you can get lost along the way. You might feel that you are not where you want to be in your work life, your personal life or your aspirations for yourself. You might be going through a life stage transition or needing to make a significant decision about your future. You may have an idea about how you would like your life to be, but you’re unsure how to get there or how to make it happen.

Coaching can support you in moving from where you are currently, to where you want to be. By identifying your goals and outcomes and developing clear steps to help you get there, Mahon coaching can support you to make your mark in life.

Free yourself to be yourself.

Action Learning Sets take place in small groups of peer practitioners who meet regularly to focus on tackling work-related challenges and gain learning and support from participation with one another. This is a structured, reflective practice model which offers the opportunity for participants to present issues into the group and to learn work practice and experience from the group members. This enables the development of new ideas, new perspectives and different solutions.

Action Learning Sets take place in small groups of peer practitioners who meet regularly to focus on tackling work-related challenges and gain learning and support from participation with one another. This is a structured, reflective practice model which offers the opportunity for participants to present issues into the group and to learn work practice and experience from the group members. This enables the development of new ideas, new perspectives and different solutions.


Action learning sets

What to expect from an Action Learning Set:

Arriving round
The start of the set is a check in. It’s an opportunity to say what is going on for you today or since the last time the group met. If you previously brought an issue to the group it’s a chance to let the group know what actions you have taken and how it’s worked out.

Bidding round
In this section each group member describes what they might want to talk about and together the members agree who will present their issue to the group. It’s a safe space and all members can choose what they bring to the group and when.

Presenting round
A group member takes time to talk about the issue they are experiencing. The other group members engage in active listening as the ‘issue holder’ takes the time and space to speak without interruption.

Questions round
The facilitator will invite the group member to ask the presenter of the issue clarifying questions first to enhance understanding. The group then moves into asking open questions that support reflections on the issue and challenge the issue holder to explore and think about the issue in different ways.

Reflections round
The facilitator and the group members take it in turn to offer their reflections on the process to the presenter of the issue. Reflections can include feedback, what was noticed during the process of the set and any learning gained or encouragement.

The presenter reflects on their process after all the other members have offered their reflections and names their actions and what they are taking away from the group.

Actions round
The presenter of the issue identifies action steps in relation to the issue.

Group process review
The session concludes with a group summary and discussion of the issues that have been presented and their desired outcomes and actions. It is a chance for members to add any additional feedback on the issues raised and on the process itself.

Rose Mahon

The only constant in life is change – this has certainly been my experience and I have brought this belief into every facet of the work I do.

Have you ever thought life wasn’t supposed to be like this? I have, and through finding the support and guidance I needed to help me re-evaluate the path I was on, I started to create the life I wanted. But change isn’t a once-in-a-lifetime moment. We sometimes need to make changes several times in order to stay feeling fulfilled.

For the last twenty years I have been in the business of change in various ways. Working in the third sector I have had a fullfilling career helping others to make positive changes in their lives. I trained as a therapist, supporting people with addiction and trauma issues, providing spaces in which to feel safe, heal and recover.

Moving into a senior manager role, I set up various projects and services supporting women experiencing multiple disadvantages, helping them to get back on track and attain the lives they wanted for themselves.

My latest big change has been to set up my own change business, offering action learning set facilitation, life and business coaching. Helping others who are on their own personal or professional journey.

I draw on a wealth of skills, experience and various trainings to facilitate these transitions, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), business and life coaching, counselling skills and action learning set reflective practice skills.

Have you ever thought life wasn’t supposed to be like this? I have, and through finding the support and guidance I needed to help me re-evaluate the path I was on, I started to create the life I wanted. But change isn’t a once-in-a-lifetime moment. We sometimes need to make changes several times in order to stay feeling fulfilled.

For the last twenty years I have been in the business of change in various ways. Working in the third sector I have had a fullfilling career helping others to make positive changes in their lives. I trained as a therapist, supporting people with addiction and trauma issues, providing spaces in which to feel safe, heal and recover.

Moving into a senior manager role, I set up various projects and services supporting women experiencing multiple disadvantages, helping them to get back on track and attain the lives they wanted for themselves.

My latest big change has been to set up my own change business, offering action learning set facilitation, life and business coaching. Helping others who are on their own personal or professional journey.

I draw on a wealth of skills, experience and various trainings to facilitate these transitions, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), business and life coaching, counselling skills and action learning set reflective practice skills.



I have been fortunate to be recognised for my work over the years.
Here’s a brief summary of some of my achievements:

Awarded the inaugural Criminal Justice Champion award by the Howard League for Penal Reform.

Named as one of Gloucestershire’s most influential 50 women of all time.

Awarded by the High Sheriff of Gloucestershire ‘in recognition of great and valuable services to the community.’

Working together

Whenever I’ve needed to make significant changes in my life, I have worked with a professional to explore what changes to make and what they might mean to me. I have always found that having someone to support and guide makes for a better decision making process, providing accountability and helping to identify what the need is and how to achieve the right change. Now I offer that same support to my personal and business clients. For me, successful partnerships are fundamental to delivering positive change.

  • “Rose facilitates Action Learning Sets for over 100 of our staff and the feedback has been hugely positive. She facilitates an environment which is safe & supported, encourages learning from practice and enables challenge with kindness and compassion.  The process of Action Learning Sets have been a valuable contribution to the development and wellbeing of the staff within our organisation.”

    J Fear – Well-being Manager – Nelson Trust

  • “Working as an independent consultant, the Action Learning Set is an essential space for me to share, listen to others, be inspired, and ultimately be remined that I can do my job! Rose facilitates the groups very well and there is a real spirit of support, encouragement, reflection and also challenge. Action Learning Sets are a great concept, and I am so glad I am in one!”

    Freelance Consultant

  • “As a freelance consultant working on a range of often demanding strategic-level contracts, the Action Learning Set has provided an invaluable forum to connect, share and reflect on issues with other freelance women. It has provided an invaluable source of support and opportunity for reflection – something that is often missing from the world of freelance work! The structure of the action learning set and Rose’s skills in facilitation have created a safe space to really explore issues in depth and has already demonstrated the ‘magic’ of group working in creating clarity and new visioning of ‘ways forward’. Thank you Rose!”

    Freelance Consultant

  • “Having recently quit corporate life, the Action Learning Sets with Rose are an invaluable part of my personal development and networking. Using her professional and coaching experience, Rose facilitates with kindness, humour and depth. They have given me great insights into me newly found practice as a Consultant and how I successfully and responsibly work with clients whilst ‘letting go’ at the right moment.”

    Freelance Consultant

  • “My sessions with Rose were invaluable. She very quickly helped me to dig deep and answer the questions I had come to her with. Of course answering the question is only a small part of the work and gently, sensitively and often with humour we set about some action planning. Rose kept me motivated, was supportive and encouraging and even now, weeks after the sessions have finished I still often think… that was a win… must remember to tell Rose. She will continue to coach you long after your sessions end.”


  • “I had a big decision to make relating to career development and so decided to see Rose for some coaching with that decision. From the start the process was clear, Rose was easy to connect with and I felt understood. With Roses help I was able to reach the right decision for me and it felt such a relief to have all my ambiguity gone. Rose is warm, understanding and incredibly easy to talk to, I would highly recommend coaching with Rose to anyone!”

    K.T – Senior Manager

  • “Thank you, Rose! I started coaching with Rose at a time when I was undertaking an MBA whilst juggling a senior leadership role. I was stressed, anxious, and my confidence was at an all-time low. Through our sessions, I have been able to finally make sense of what has been holding me back, want makes me tick and where I want to go. Coaching with Rose has helped me to put things in perspective and move forward with clarity and confidence. Reaching out for help from Rose was one of the best gifts I have been able to give myself. Right from the first session I have felt clearer, focused and have made consistent changes which have helped me practically and emotionally to balance work, home, and academic life. Most importantly I now feel confident in my ability to manage it all.   Rose was so easy to talk,  with a gentle way of challenging my thoughts and assumptions of myself – I feel like I now have a whole toolbox to continue bettering my life.”

    C.L – Senior Manager

  • “Rose offered a really supportive and non-judgemental space to explore my issues and gave me the opportunity to lead the sessions myself with what I wanted to achieve. What Rose helped me realise with her techniques and the space she held for me, was that I didn’t value any work I did within the work place or at home and that this was stressing me out to the max as whilst at work, I felt like I was never actually doing what I was meant to be doing, even though I was working constantly. It meant I was always beating myself up and stressing myself out and would not give myself a break. Rose has literally changed my life for the better, I feel so much more positive and confident and I can now actually give myself a break as well. I cannot recommend Rose highly enough.”

    M.C – Coaching client

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss how Mahon Coaching can help you through your moment of transition, whether it is personal or for business please don’t hesitate to contact me: